Tipping Points. Everywhere, there are tipping points. Some need arresting. Others need starting, and some a push and tipping over: truth telling, earth caring, life protecting. It’s about recognition, democracy, freedom and freedoms.
Dirrum Challenge is about searching for the sweet spot - where your interests, skills and heart meet a need within the community. All people from the community, regardless of age or background, are encouraged to use their their passions to inspire a movement of change. The concept of Dirrum Challenge is best summarised by the idea of “Think Globally, Act Locally”.

One of our Dirrum Challenges for 2020 was Zoe’s challenge to pick-up rubbish and create a fundraising challenge called The Climate Challenge. It is a great way to harness the energy and inspiration you find at Dirrum, and turn it into tangible action!
The Climate Challenge is a 15-day challenge from 27th September - 11th October, where participants pick up rubbish for a certain amount of time per day, each representing an environmental statistic! Over the 15 days, you or your team will spend 414 minutes picking up rubbish which is the amount of Carbon Dioxide (ppm) in the atmosphere as of June 2020, a massive increase from the 280 ppm at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (Buis 2019).
As you pick up rubbish around your neighbourhood, friends, family and neighbours can sponsor your efforts to improve the local environment. The funds raised go towards the Climate Council, a not-for-profit, science-based, independent voice on Climate Change in Australia. The Climate Council ask the hard-questions, produce highly researched and impactful reports, promote climate solutions, get climate change into the media, and call out misinformation.
We’ve found as you start picking up rubbish, you’ll start to notice it more and more and become aware of the issues of littering and dumping. By planting the seed in people’s mind as you set an example it makes everyone more attuned to the issues we face and create in environmentalism, even in our own backyard.

Register to make a difference at their website www.theclimatechallenge.info or check out the instagram @theclimatechallenge
Buis, A 2019, ‘The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide’, Sizing Up Humanity’s Impacts on Earth’s Changing Atmosphere: A Five-Part Series, vol. 2, 9 October, viewed 14 August 2020, <https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2915/the-atmosphere-getting-a-handle-on-carbon-dioxide/>.’